Daily Archives: December 20, 2016


Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite thing to do, study! This is similar to what I was talking about before in terms of balancing home and school but more in depth on studying, of course!

Some people try prepping for tests by studying a lot, some study a little bit, and some don’t study at all. It really depends on how good your memory is and how good of a test taker you are. I’d say I’m in a sort of “happy” medium with studying. I study how I feel I need to, but whether or not it’s enough is up to the test scores. I usually have to break up my studying into small manageable chunks if I have to read a book as I can’t sit and read something all the way through. My attention span is really short, so breaking things up makes it easier and it motivates me more.

Keep in mind that there is such a thing as over studying. You can burn yourself out just by studying for a test if you study practically nonstop. It always helps to know how to study for the course as well. If you have higher motivation then you can study for longer but if you’re not as motivated, studying can be more so harmful than helpful. I think it’s safe to say that if you start studying for something in advance, it should alleviate some of the time spent on studying every night significantly.

-Caleb, Student Scholar

Balancing College and Home Life

This goes hand-in-hand with balancing college and work really. Balancing your college and home life can be just as important for all students. You need to find that happy medium when it comes to how much time you should spend on school every night. There’s that one thing that talks about how you should spend so many hours on schoolwork a week.

I remember when I first started college that stressed me out because I thought I’d need to do that. Of course, now that my third semester is about to end, I’ve come to realize that you likely won’t need to dedicate that much time to school.

I’m one of those people who takes breaks from my free time to study or do work. I cannot force myself to study continuously at a base and then take breaks of free time. I lose attention so fast when I’m studying that I have to break up studying into smaller chunks. I can’t say I’ll read a whole chapter in one night because for one, I’d probably freak out and not do it, and two, I’d lose attention even faster.

But for everyone who always frets about how much they should study, it really just depends on what you can handle. Like I said, I lose attention really fast, so someone could have a longer attention span and be able to study more over a period of time. Some people may have to break up the studying like I do. On the other side of things, if you feel like you’re not doing enough, there’s always tutors that can help you with that sort of stuff. CCBC has tutoring available to help you.

-Caleb, Student Scholar